Our digital world buzzes with smart phones, televisions, video game systems, and limitless other electronics powered by electricity. Often on autopilot, we rely on a seemingly limitless stream of power to cook our food, entertain us, perform various household tasks, and get us where we need to go. A reminder to save energy resurfaces every now and again—particularly around Earth Day—so we take great care to turn off the lights or the television as we leave a room. And although unintentionally, the motivation to be smart about energy use typically fades over time. Constant overuse of electricity can hurt the environment as well as our bank accounts, though, so it’s important to take a look at possible energy conservation methods we can apply in our daily lives.

Is your family putting enough thought into energy efficiency throughout your home and yard? This is a question we can all ask ourselves, no matter where we live or now big our family happens to be. In most cases, it’s possible to improve energy savings with a few simple process changes and ongoing focus until these tweaks become more routine. Take a moment to evaluate your family’s energy consumption or schedule a home energy assessment to gain insight into how your home uses and loses energy and how you might improve its efficiency. You might be surprised at how many things you can do differently to save energy.

Woman looking at energy efficient lightbulb products in a store

Easy Energy Saving Tips

Some simple behaviors can swiftly help your family to go green in and around the home. Try these energy saving tips to make an immediate impact:

Start with one of the quickest wins – lighting.

1. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
2. Switch to energy efficient light bulbs throughout the home. In addition to using less energy, LEDs and compact fluorescent bulbs also last much longer, saving you more money in the long run.
3. Install timers and dimmers for your lights to automate the lighting according to your family’s needs.
4. Choose lamps that feature an energy efficiency rating.
5. Consider skylights for natural lighting in rooms that need it.
6. Brighten up your deck, patio, gardens, and pathways with solar landscaping lighting.

Hands holding a smart phone displaying a home energy management app with household blurred background

Turn off what you’re not using.

7. Shut down and unplug your computer when you go to bed or when you’re done working for the day.
8. Avoid preheating the oven until you’re really ready to use it.
9. Turn off the television when you’re done watching it.
10. Download the app for any smart appliances or systems so you can remotely manage your home’s climate, lighting, and so forth.
11. Choose an energy-saving power strip for easy ons and offs.
12. Improve your home’s all-day climate with a programmable thermostat. This way you won’t need to be awake to adjust the temperature during the wee hours, and while your snoozing body won’t know the difference, your wallet sure will.

Energy Star Logo

Outfit your home with Energy Star appliances and products.

13. Make a conscious decision to conserve energy by choosing Energy Star products. These appliances can slash your energy consumption as much as 50 percent. You’ll typically see lower power bills as well as feeling great knowing you’ve reduced your carbon footprint.
14. Consider Energy Star refrigerators. In addition to keeping your food cold more efficiently, these are often eligible for energy efficient rebates. You may also be able to nab a small payout from your electric company if you turn in your old fridge.
15. Wash clothes more efficiently with Energy Star washers and dryers. When possible, take the time to hang your laundry in the fresh air for an even greener approach.
16. Replace an outdated HVAC system. Look into the latest options that will make your home more energy efficient. Remember, you are likely to earn an energy credit or rebate here as well.

Spruce up your home with some simple repairs.

17. Ensure your windows and doors are insulated appropriately. Reinstall weather stripping or replace those that are worn and weathered. Use a draft-dodger home accessory to block the flow of air under important entry doors.

New family homes with solar panels on the roof

Get creative with energy-efficient home accessories.

18. Rather than turning on the heat, rely on throw blankets and layered clothing to keep you comfortable.
19. Consider installing energy-efficient ceiling fans to bring a nice breeze into your home rather than going straight to the A/C.
20. Check out energy saving curtains to better block out light and darken the room. This will help to keep the sun from heating up various parts of your home. You can still use your favorite sheers or drapes during the off-season—and simply store them in your attic or personal storage unit when not in use.

Think outside of the [fuse] box.

21. Give consideration to alternative energy options. Solar panels are popping up outside of businesses, schools, and homes much more lately, helping to reduce greenhouse gases and dependency on fossil fuels.
22. Clean energy through wind power is becoming more accessible as well. Off-grid turbines, though small, are fairly reasonable in cost, while larger ones deliver more energy.

These are just a few ways to save energy around the home. By making home energy efficiency a priority, you can save money while also saving the environment. Make a few changes now and your family can enjoy an energy efficient house for a lifetime to come.


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.