Fall is a wonderful time; the kids are back in school, the weather is getting cooler, football is on TV and winter is just around the corner. Just because the phrase “spring cleaning” is reserved for the spring doesn’t mean you have to wait until then to get organized. Fall is the perfect time to get started.

Tips for Organizing Your Belongings This Fall

Here are a couple of tips to help you get a head start on spring cleaning and get you ready for the winter holidays that are just around the corner.

Sort through your belongings and simplify

Now is a good time to go through your belongings, assess what you use or not, and simplify your home and your life by getting rid of things or storing them elsewhere. Start by making an inventory of what you have, and then ask yourself if you need each item. Those things that you can live without can be given to a charity or thrown away. For other items that you don’t want to get rid of, renting a self-storage unit is a good way to get rid of some clutter without parting with your belongings for good.

Get out your winter wardrobe

Now is a good time to go through your clothes and figure out what you will need for the colder winter months. Pull out the winter coats, sweaters, scarves, and winter boots from storage and pack your summer clothes in plastic bins or boxes out of the way. It’s much easier to keep your closet organized if you only have the clothes you will need for the season. As long as you are at it, are there any clothes you don’t wear anymore? Now is a perfect time to simplify your life by putting them in storage or giving them away to charity.

Besides your winter clothes, the cooler weather this time of year means that you may want heavier blankets and sheets on your beds. Now is a good time to get those things out, wash them, and get them ready for winter use.

Get your home ready for the winter

Fall is a great time to check the interior and exterior of your home to make sure it is prepared for the winter months. A little bit of work getting your house ready now will make a big difference when the weather gets colder. Make sure that there are no gaps or holes around windows or doors that would let heat escape. These can be easily fixed with caulk or weather stripping and will save you money. As you will probably be spending a little more time indoors, you should also clean and dust your house thoroughly. Pay special attention to the heating vents and replace old filters that have accumulated dust over the past year.

Start thinking ahead to the holiday season

Now is a great time to start thinking ahead to the holiday season. It is never too early to start preparing for the hectic holiday months that are just around the corner. You can start organizing gift-wrapping items and ornaments early or just plan out holiday activities. Whatever you do now to get a head start on the holidays will help you to be less stressed later.


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.