Our infographic 5 Week Moving Checklist can really help you plan for moving day.

Moving day checklist infographic

Moving Checklist

5 Weeks Until Moving Day

  • Create an inventory for yourself: Create a list of the most important and valuable things to you. You’ll use this list on moving day to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything important.
  • Start training your dog and/or cat for travel: Take some time to train your furry friend to use a pet carrier by feeding them and giving treats when they stay inside of it. This will help make moving day easier for you and them.
  • Gather personal records: Find all of your important records for you and the rest of your family and pack them away safely. Health and education records for you, your kids, and your pets should all be brought along with you.

4 Weeks Until Moving Day

  • Contact a moving company: If you’re planning on hiring professional movers, you’ll need to fill them in on the details of your relocation. Contacting your movers early lowers your chances of running into any scheduling conflicts and complications.
  • Make any temporary living arrangements you may need: Unfortunately, the date you need to be out of your old home and inside your new one doesn’t always line up. Whether you’ll be staying with a friend or family member or in a hotel, you’ll want to make these arrangements early.
  • Change your address: Contact the post office, credit card companies, banks, and anyone else who will need to know about your relocation.

3 Weeks Until Moving Day

  • Start using up food: Everyone has food items they pack away into their pantries for a rainy day and now is the time to use them. Using up this food now will help lighten your load
  • Set aside some clothing and personal items: Take some time to set aside the things you’ll need to get through the next few weeks. Doing this now will let you start packing away the things you won’t need earlier.
  • Start packing and labeling your things: Keeping your items organized from the beginning will make the unpacking process significantly easier. Move room by room and be sure to label the boxes as you go along.

2 Weeks Until Moving Day

  • Notify your utilities provider: Make sure to reach out to them so they know the exact date you’ll move out of your house. You should also take this time to set up arrangements for your new home so things are ready for you when you arrive.
  • Start saying your goodbyes: Don’t let the stress of packing distract you too much from your personal life. You must set aside time to see close friends that you won’t be seeing after your move.

1 Weeks Until Moving Day

  • Create a moving day survival kit by packing all the essential items you’ll need as soon as you arrive at your new home: Your moving day survival kit should have your toiletries, electronic chargers, snacks, and anything else you’ll need to get through the first couple of days at your new home.
  • Cancel any local memberships you no longer need: Take this time to cancel your membership to your local gym or any other organizations that you’ll no longer have use for after you relocate.

Moving Day

  • Final sweep: It’s finally time for the big day and you should make sure to do a final sweep of your home to make sure you have everything you need. This is where that inventory list you made a month ago is really going to come in handy.

For additional information, take a look at our guides for Moving Into a New House and Moving Into a New Apartment.

Looking to store items? Contact us at Price Self Storage to learn about our self storage solutions in California.

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Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.