A DIY move isn’t quite as easy as throwing everything into a truck and driving off. If you want to pack your moving truck like a professional mover follow this step-by-step guide.

safely moving infographic

Tips on How To Pack a Moving Truck

What You’ll Need:

  • Dolly
  • Plastic Stretch Wrap
  • Tie Downs
  • Furniture Pads

One-Size Doesn’t Fit All: Choose The Right-Size Truck

Too large of a truck, and your things will move around haphazardly. Too small, and you won’t have enough room for everything you need to bring along for the ride.

  • 10 ft. truck = Studio or small 1 bedroom
  • 12-14 ft. truck = 450 cu. ft. or 1-2 bedrooms
  • 16-17 ft. truck = 800 cu. ft. or 2-3 bedrooms
  • 22-24 ft. truck = 1,200 cu. ft. or 3-4 bedrooms
  • 26-27 ft. truck = 1,400 cu. ft. or 4+ bedrooms

Preparing To Load:

Reduce time by prepping your furniture and boxes before you are ready to load the truck.

  • Disassemble furniture such as beds, tables
  • Plastic wrap dresser drawers in place
  • Cover wood and metal furniture with pads
  • Wrap upholstered furniture with plastic stretch wrap
  • Cushion mirrors with plenty of furniture pads

Back of the Truck:

Load your heaviest items first and distribute weight evenly along the back wall of the truck.

  • Heavy Furniture
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Dressers

*Use tie-downs to secure items to prevent anything from shifting.

*Use a dolly for heavier items.

Walls of the Truck:

Keep long items upright and load them against the sides of the truck.

  • Sofas
  • Mattresses
  • Headboards
  • Desks

*In addition to wrapping them, load desks and dressers with drawers facing the side wall to prevent them from opening.

Stack to the Ceiling:

Once the heaviest items are secured in the back, begin adding layers on top of the furniture.

  • Place furniture pads on top of the first layer
  • Stack lighter boxes on top of heavier ones until they reach the ceiling.
  • Secure lightweight irregular items on top

Fill Empty Spaces:

Prevent items from shifting by filling empty spaces with soft items that are not fragile.

  • Couch cushions
  • Pillows
  • blankets
  • Rolled up rugs

Packing Fragile Items: Use Mom’s Attic:

This is the space above the cab, aptly named Mom’s attic. Fill this space with items that require a soft ride.

  • Antiques
  • Electronics
  • Small valuables

Pro Tips:

  • Always lift with your legs and not with your back
  • Bend at your knees and not at your waist
  • Avoid using the dolly with items that are higher than chest level
  • Wear proper clothing and closed-toe shoes

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Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.