Moving forward with life sometimes means downsizing into a smaller home. While it can be difficult to execute, downsizing can prove to be extremely beneficial for a variety of reasons. What most people don’t understand is that downsizing doesn’t just mean getting rid of things—it means living a less cluttered life overall.

Aside from the financial benefits of occupying less space, the mental benefit of being surrounded by less clutter can be extremely liberating. In order to help you downsize more efficiently, our team here at Price Self Storage has put together this quick guide for you.

guide to downsizing

Why Should I Downsize?

There are a lot of reasons to downsize, but two main benefits are getting rid of a few things and moving into a smaller space. The first big benefit of downsizing lies in all the time you’ll save due to the fact that you’ll have less space to clean and keep organized. Having less space to maintain means there are fewer places for you to look around for things when you need them. In fact, the average American spends over two days per year looking for lost items.

Aside from getting more time back in your day, you’ll also be able to save a lot of money in a smaller space. The fact of the matter is that smaller homes can help you save money on rent or mortgage as well as utilities such as gas and electricity. This extra bit of money could go into a savings account to help you pay off debts or simply add to your nest egg for later.

Plan Your New Space

In a lot of ways, downsizing is much more difficult than moving into a home with more or even the same amount of space as your current one. Planning out your move beforehand is always important, but when you know you’ll have less space in your new home, it becomes paramount. Taking the time to measure out your new home will give you a good idea of how much stuff you can bring and how much of it you need to get rid of.

Sort & Purge

The process of getting rid of things is actually a two-step one consisting of sorting through your things and purging the things you deem unnecessary. This may sound difficult at first, but consider this: According to the Wall Street Journal, the average person wears only 20% of the clothes they own.

A good way to begin the purging process is to think about the items you’d replace first if they suddenly disappeared. Try to envision what your daily life will be like after moving into your new home. Take a look around at your belongings and think to yourself, will I use this? Would I miss this if I didn’t have it? Items that are easily and often replaced are the best to start getting rid of. Things like outdated electronic devices, inefficient or broken appliances, and furniture that you no longer have use for. Simply take a look at your belongings and ask yourself, “Is this something I envision in my new life?”

Invest in Personal Storage

Now, there are some instances where you may be downsizing into a new home but can’t get rid of enough items to do so effectively. In these situations, a personal storage unit can help you keep the clutter out of your new home. Take the items that you don’t always need on hand, such as seasonal clothes and decorations, and keep them in a personal storage space. When looking for a storage unit, be sure to plan ahead and find a space that is just big enough to store what you need it to.

The idea of moving into a smaller space may seem counter-intuitive at first, but those with the courage to give it a shot may discover that it’s not about having less—it’s about experiencing more, saving money, time, space, and most importantly, finding the time to do more of what you want.

Are you ready to downsize? Visit one of our convenient Price Self Storage locations or reserve a storage unit online today. Be sure also to check out our article on tips for downsizing for retirement.

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Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.