Tips for Moving With Your Pet Infographic by Price Self Storage

As you prepare to make a move with your furry friends, you’ll want to check out this handy infographic we put together to help you along the way.

Pre-Move Pet Checklist

Update tags:

Get a new tag with your updated contact information. Keep the old and new tags on your pet’s collar just in case you forget to change the tag during the move.

Get vet records:

Acquire all old records and ask your vet to recommend a vet in your new area. Make sure all shots are up to date and in compliance with your new state and local laws.

Groom and clean:

Before you move into your new home make sure your dog is well groomed to avoid extra hair and dirt getting inside.

Maintain a routine:

It’s important to maintain your pet’s normal schedule. Walk them regularly, play with them, feed them at the same time of day, and make sure to leave their bed in a safe place.

The busiest time to move is the summer months. Nearly 40% of moves take place between June, July, and August.

Moving Day Pet Checklist

Crate training:

Take the time to prepare your pet for traveling in a crate for extended periods of time. Start slowly and motivate with treats and love along the way.

Pack essentials:

Pack treats, water, food, medicine, poop bags, a leash, and any other essentials for travel. Include your pet’s favorite toys for extra reassurance and comfort.

Hotel research:

Make sure you have pet-friendly hotels mapped out along your route. There are many national chains that welcome you and your pet.

Map out breaks:

Plan lots of rest stops and potty breaks to make sure your pet isn’t cooped up for too long and avoid accidents in the car.

83% of respondents agree that having an unrestrained dog in a moving car can be dangerous. 16% of dog owners who have driven with their pet use some form of restraint on their dog. Of the 16% who use a pet restraint the most frequently used are:

  • Pet harness/safety belt – 56%
  • Hard-sided pet travel crate – 30%
  • Pet vehicle seat – 10%
  • Vehicle pet barrier – 8%
  • Soft-sided pet travel crate – 7%
  • Other – 5%

Post-Move Pet Checklist

Pet proofing:

Go around your new home and look for potential hazards to your pet. Check for holes in the yard fencing. Research predators in your new area, like snakes or coyotes and do what you can to make sure your pet is safe.

Meet neighbors:

Introduce your pet to your neighbors and their pets. Tell them about your pet to ensure everyone gets along.

New microchip:

If your pet has a microchip, update your new contact information with the registry.

Bonding time:

Moving is not only stressful for you, but for your pet as well. Take the time to play with them and reassure them that their new home is a safe and fun place to be.

14% of U.S. adults have traveled with a pet on a trip of 50 miles or more in the past three years. 78% of pets moving are dogs. 15% of pets moving are cats.


7 Mind-Blowing Stats about Moving in 2013

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Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.