Moving into a new house or apartment is one of life’s most exciting milestones. A whole new future lies ahead of you in your new home! But moving can also be a stressful experience if you aren’t ready, so start preparing a few months before the big day. Our step-by-step moving checklist timeline lets you stay on track and prepared for a worry-free and organized move!

Two Months Before Moving

It may seem like you have plenty of time before moving day arrives, but the reality is that you need to start preparing a couple of months ahead of the move.


The first step on the moving-out checklist is to purge! Go through every nook and cranny of your home and reevaluate what you are keeping. If you haven’t worn or used it in a while, consider tossing or donating it. Not only will cleaning out your house make it easier for you to move, but it will also get your space ready for showings when your house goes on the market.

If you find that you still have a lot of clutter after purging what you don’t need, consider renting a storage unit to free up some space and get your home ready for the real estate market. Facilities such as Price Self StorageⓇ offer a variety of storage options (including vehicle and wine storage) and are the perfect place to keep items you won’t need until after the move. 

Request Quotes From Moving Companies

Moving companies tend to book up quickly, especially if you live in a high-volume area, so now is the time to start calling around to different ones. When obtaining quotes from these companies, ask if they also provide additional assistance, such as boxes or moving supplies, to help make your move easier.

Organize Your Paperwork

There is quite a bit of paperwork associated with moving. From your real estate listing materials to your child’s school records, you’re going to need a safe place to keep track of your important documents. A binder or well-marked box is a great way to keep everything you need in one place.

One Month Before Moving

Now that the move is a month away, it’s time to get everything ready for moving day. This moving checklist will help make sure you’re ready to go!

Select Your Mover

Now that you have your moving company quotes, it’s time to book the one that works for you. If you’ve decided that hiring movers is outside your budget, this is the perfect time to reserve a moving truck and recruit friends and family members to help.

Start Packing

Now’s the time to start packing! Set up a packing timeline for moving to keep things organized.

Start with things you won’t need — such as holiday decor or family photo albums — and get to work. If you need more space to organize and pack your things, move some of your items to a self-storage unit. Not only will this give you the space you need, but it will also buy you some time since you won’t need to move everything out of your home in one day.

Label Everything Clearly

One of the biggest mistakes people make when moving is not labeling their belongings clearly. As you box up each room, clearly indicate what is in the box and where the box needs to go. It can be as simple as “kitchen — cups and bowls” or more detailed like “baby’s room — winter clothes size 3T-4T.” This may take a little more time, but you’ll thank yourself in the long run!

Start the Change of Address Process

Changing your address with the post office can take some time. Do this well in advance of your move, either by going to your local post office in person or processing your form online at You can also ask a neighbor to collect any mail or packages that aren’t correctly rerouted after you move.

Two Weeks Before Moving

The big day is coming up! Here are the things on the checklist for moving two weeks before the date.

Take Time Off Work

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to take the necessary time off work. Allow time for moving and settling into your new home.

Make Arrangements for Your Vehicle

If you are driving a long distance, you’ll want to make sure you have plans for your vehicle. If you plan on driving the moving truck to your new home, look into vehicle storage for your other vehicles. This way, you can move your cars, trucks, or RVs to a safe location and pick them up when you’re ready. This may seem like a simple tip, but it will alleviate a lot of stress on moving day!

One Week Before Moving

Now that the day is almost here, most of your belongings are probably packed and ready to go. There are just a few things left on your moving checklist!

Pack Your Suitcase With Everyday Necessities

Since almost everything is packed, prepare a suitcase for yourself and any family members with the clothing you need for the next week, plus any hygiene items and prescriptions.

Refill Prescriptions

Make sure you have whatever medications you need for the next week or so. You don’t want to have to deal with pharmacies and insurance companies in the middle of your move.

A Few Days Before

Now that moving day is almost here, it’s time to wrap up your checklist for moving.

You’ll want to take care of last-minute things like cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer, double-checking your moving details, and preparing your funds.

Moving Day

It’s moving day! All of the prep work you did in the last few months is really going to pay off with a stress-free and easy move today.

Be sure to leave your old home in excellent condition for its new residents. Make sure everything is clean and tidy, and leave them everything they need, such as house keys or garage door openers.

As you arrive at your new home, verify all the details of your movers’ invoice. Take an inventory of your items and boxes before the movers leave the premises.

Once everyone has left, it’s time to start unpacking and settling into your new home! 

If you need additional help storing precious items or obtaining moving supplies, be sure to contact us. Price Self Storage has everything you need for a stress-free and easy move.


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.