Moving in with a spouse can be a fun and exciting adventure in your life. We want to help make it easier by making sure you consider these important topics. Plan ahead so that you won’t encounter unnecessary problems that could have been avoided.
1. Consolidate
Make sure you don’t have duplications of appliances or furniture. No one needs two dining tables! Make sure that when choosing what furniture you would like to bring, you are making compromises and ensuring the things your spouse holds dear to their heart are being included. Remember this is a shared space.
2. Sell or donate duplicate items to declutter
You can make some extra cash by selling unnecessary items. Who doesn’t love that? Check out these five apps to help you sell your stuff. Also, donating is always a great idea because you can help someone less fortunate get a necessity that they otherwise would not be able to buy.
3. Still have more stuff and are not sure what to do with it?
Place it in a Price Self Storage Unit. Keep those important items in a unit so they don’t clutter your new space. You can keep them in a safe place until you need them down the road.
4. Make sure that you are being supportive of your significant other’s needs.
Living in a shared space is hard at first because you are accustomed to your routine and ideas. Be supportive and understanding of this change. Change is the law of life.
5. Make a list of items that you need.
Check out this list of essentials every apartment needs. Go through it together and make sure that between the two of you, you have all these items. It is better to plan ahead than find out Monday morning before work that neither one of you has a coffee maker!
Now that you have completed all of these points, take a step back and take a breath. You are successfully planning to move in with your spouse. Such a priceless time in your life that should be celebrated! Take a night with your spouse to celebrate this time and be grateful that you have each other.
Price Self Storage wishes you a happy move and congratulations on your home together!