Clothes, toys, bottles, seats, swings, diapers, wipes, blankets, booties, bibs—it’s truly amazing how much one teeny-tiny, an itty-bitty person can require—or at least benefit from—with such a vast influx of new possessions. Some items last quite a while and others the baby may outgrow in just a few short weeks or months. Speaking of growing, little ones do a lot of that their first year, particularly evidenced by wearing so many different sizes of clothing in a such short time, not to mention shoes, hats, hair accessories… you get the idea and you’ve surely experienced it already if this isn’t your first rodeo.

The good news is that all of that baby stuff rotates through your home quicker than you might expect. From newborn to infant to toddler to little kid to big kid, plain and simple, they just grow up way too fast, and life seems to fly by that much faster once we’ve become parents. The better news is that you already have everything—albeit not necessarily always in the right color or season or style—should Baby #2 or #3+ come along anytime soon.

A father and his toddler daughters playing with toys on the floor.

This of course begs the question—what do we do with all of this baby stuff until we need it again, or decide that we don’t? Nursery storage is already at a premium, with diapers, clothing, toys, and linens taking up the lion’s share of your little one’s den. If you’re fortunate enough to have an attic, chances are that space is already spoken for as well. Rather than cluttering up the basement with items you may or may not need for a few years, put that space to better use with a playroom and an area for the adults to relax. As for your baby’s items once he or she grows out of them, consider moving them to your own personal storage unit, where they will be safely and neatly waiting for you “next time.”

Expectant mother admiring baby clothes while the dad puts together the crib in the nursery.

Here are a few tips to help you ensure your baby’s items are organized and stored conveniently until that time comes.

Baby Clothes Storage

You’ve likely already figured out that organizing baby clothes is a never-ending process, at least until your child isn’t a baby anymore. Out of one size and into the next, swapping out the baby’s clothes is sometimes more exhausting than just keeping up with the laundry. Finally, things slow down a bit, but you’re still swapping sizes at regular intervals according to your kids’ growth. Here are a few tips to help you organize your baby’s clothing for use and for the next time someone so little and cute can wear it again.

  • Invest in a set of baby storage bins. You will probably need about a half dozen to start.
  • Label each bin for the sizes your little one will go through in the first year—for example, newborn + 0-3, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, and 12 months.
  • Wash and fold everything, and then put the clothes into the bins by size and season. Ensure that any holiday or themed outfits make it into the bin for the baby’s age at that time of year. Also, take note if some items run noticeably small or large and place them in the correct bin.
  • Stack the baby storage bins in the baby’s closet and fill the dresser drawers with the current size.
  • Once your little one outgrows the current size, remove those items and place them back in the bin. Plan to move that bin to more permanent storage and replace the clothing in the drawers with the new size.
  • Once your little one moves out of baby clothes and into kid clothes, your baby bins will be nicely labeled and organized for storage until you need them again!

Baby's stuffed animal, folded clothes and pacifier.

Baby Toy Storage

It won’t take your baby long to outgrow some of his or her toys, and new ones are always waiting on the horizon as the next birthday or holiday approaches. Just as you did with the baby clothes, be sure to keep age-appropriate baby toys grouped together when you put them away for future children. Consider placing plush toys and anything needing added protection in jumbo zipper-seal bags or vacuum storage bags before placing them in the storage bins. Label the bins according to what’s inside as well as the acceptable age of use.

Kids’ Storage Units

More and more, doesn’t it seem as though your kids have more things than you do? All those birthday presents and visits from Santa Claus are starting to add up. Keep what you need and what your kids really love, but once they’ve outgrown it, consider whether you’d prefer to give it away, sell it, donate it, or save it in case you welcome another baby into your home in the coming years. Your kids might also appreciate having some of their favorite toys and belongings back when they have kids of their own. The happy memories of playing with their favorite action figures and play sets become even more sentimental when they are able to enjoy their toys for a second time, playing with their own sons and daughters.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with storage for your baby’s and kids’ belongings!


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.