Do you remember the fun of being a kid on Halloween, going from house to house, and noticing all the great Halloween decoration ideas people set up around their homes? Decorating for the holidays is a favorite pastime for kids and adults alike. Whether you prefer to spend some time making your own DIY Halloween craft decorations or putting up favorites that you’ve collected over the years, your eerie creativity is sure to show. (But where are you going to store all those decorations when it’s time to take them down?)

Ideas for Halloween Decoration Storage

Halloween storage bins make it easy to keep your spooky décor and ornaments safe and sound. Plastic bins and tubs are easy to stack in your attic or basement, and many different box sizes and shapes are available, giving you options to store decorations of all sizes. You can choose colorful Halloween storage bins in orange, black, or purple, making it easy to know exactly where your decorations and Halloween supplies are at all times of the year.

Using Boxes for Your Halloween Decorations

Cardboard Halloween storage boxes can be just as effective as long as you have a safe place to store them. You can make use of boxes you already have, saving money and making a greener choice. No matter if you choose moving boxes, printer paper boxes, shoe boxes, or other types of boxes, you can organize your Halloween items until you need them again next year.

Using Boxes for Your Halloween Decorations

More Simple Storage Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you store decorations for Halloween:

  • Cases from a winery or liquor store can be the perfect place to store small breakables and collectibles. Next time you buy a bottle, ask your local store if you can have one of the boxes with the cardboard inserts so you can easily keep your small Halloween decorations safely separated. You can also use a box from a case of beer, situating your ornaments and collectibles in the individual six-pack holders. Wrap anything breakable in tissue paper or newsprint.
  • If you want a more attractive Halloween storage box, feel free to create DIY boxes. Use cardboard boxes, wrapping paper, stickers, colored duct tape, and other craft supplies to make festive boxes to store your Halloween items. If you wish, organize by type of decoration and label the boxes accordingly.
  • If your family goes all out around Halloween time—for example, making your own haunted house or haunted barn—you may wish to look into self storage options outside of the home. It’s a great way to keep the clutter down while still enjoying your favorite Halloween decorating traditions!

Using Boxes for Your Halloween Decorations

Now you don’t have to feel guilty the next time you see an adorable or creepy Halloween decoration you simply can’t live without. Enjoy decorating for All Hallows’ Eve with reckless abandon, knowing your decorations will be organized and safely stored.

How do you store your Halloween decorations and supplies? Please share any of your favorite tips in our comments below!


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.