Thanksgiving is a great holiday. What could be better than spending time with family, eating food, and watching football? It isn’t all about sitting back and relaxing with family or shopping deals afterward, however. Since the time of the pilgrims, Thanksgiving has been an important part of our country, a time set aside for thinking about the good things we have in our lives. Most of us have plenty to be thankful for: family, friends, freedom, as well as all the material things that make our life a little easier.

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who are struggling this holiday season. Despite recent improvements in the economy, there are still a lot of people out of work. Way too many people are suffering economically, physically, or emotionally. As you are carving your turkey this year, take a minute to remember all the blessings you have and think about those who are less fortunate. Is there something you can do during this holiday to help someone else? The holiday season is a perfect time to find ways to serve others. Even volunteering a couple of minutes of your time can make a huge difference for someone in need.

Ideas To Help You Make a Difference This Holiday Season

  • Volunteer your time with a charitable organization: There are plenty of worthwhile charitable organizations out there. Pick one and contact them to see how you can help.
  • Help the Homeless: Volunteer some of your time at a homeless shelter or put together holiday packages with food, water, and warm clothes you can share with those in need.
  • Visit the Elderly: Many elderly people are living away from family and are especially lonely around the holiday season. Why not take a little time out of your holiday to visit them?
  • Write a letter to a Hero: Write a letter to someone in the military who is serving our country away from home this holiday season.

As long as we are on the topic of Thanksgiving, here at Price Self Storage, we are thankful for you, our wonderful customers, and the opportunity to provide you with the best self storage solutions we can. We are dedicated to helping you unclutter your life and to making self storage as simple and painless as possible.

What are you thankful for? If you have a few minutes, we would love to hear what you are most thankful for this holiday season.


Ryan Majors


Ryan Majors is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Price Self Storage. He oversees Price Self Storage locations throughout California, focusing on efficient and functional storage solutions. He integrates his passion for smart design and organization into his management approach, ensuring a commitment to excellence and organized living.